Come on foot - Drive from here!



I want to start my driving training.

To start practising driving, you need a valid driving license permit, which you apply for at the Swedish Transport Agency.
To be approved, you need to make a health declaration and a vision test. The health declaration is made directly on the Swedish Transport Agency's website, and the eye test with an optician. As soon as you have received your driving license permit, you can start practicing driving with us.


Apply for a driving license permit here

What is instructor training?

If you want to practice driving at home with a private instructor, both you and your instructor must have completed an introductory course, known as the instructor training course. After the training, your instructor must apply for approval on the Swedish Transport Agency's website.

The introductory and instructor training is valid for five years.

Boka handledarutbildning här

Apply for approval as a instructor here

What is meant by risk education part 1?

To obtain a driving license, you must attend two mandatory courses. The first is called Risk education part 1, also known as Risk Part 1, which teaches you about the  behavior risks of alcohol, drugs and fatigue in traffic.

The courses takes about three hours and is held at Safe. You must be at least 16 years old to take the course. It is good if you take the course early.

Book risk education part 1 here

What is meant by Risk education part 2?

Risk education part 2, also known as the slippery track, is the second mandatory education. It teaches you how to avoid risky situations, especially on slippery roud contitions.

To book the course through us, you must be a registered student at our driving school and have been assessed as ready.

The course time is about  three to four hours.

Book Risk education 2 here

How CSN driving license loans work?

Previously, it was possible to borrow money in order to obtain a driver's license. From 1 January 2024, you can no longer get a driving license loan. If you already have a driving license loan decision, it still applies. You must repay the driving license loan to CSN.

Read more about the rolls regarding to CSN loans here

Can a driving school book the driving exams for me?

When you are fully trained, it is time to book your theory exam and driving exam.

If you have chosen our intensive training or have had your driving license training through us then we book the tests early in the training, if you choose single lessons we need to be assured that you are fully trained when you complete your exams.

If you drive at home with a private instructor, you can book the exams yourself at Trafikverket.

Book the driving exams here

How much are exams fees at Trafikverket?

Theory exam fee : 325 kr

Driving exam fee: 800 SEK

Photography at theory exam fee: 80 SEK

Production of driving license (Transport Agency fee): 280 SEK

Car rental: 625

See prices at Trafikverket here